Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Final Exam: Tech Integration


In writing the Matrix my goal was to provide clarity for students in understanding the ramifications and goals for each nation actions during the years following World War One. It is essential in todays society and ever advancing world for both teachers and students to adapt to the new world. 

My first standard addresses the First World War and its' major players main goals.The student will have a lecture based on the information. Using powerpoints and a smartboard the class will have a greater understanding and will be able continue onto the next section of the assignment.

The second standard will address the student ability to critically analyze the effect of World War One. The Students will write a writing sample on the question of "What is a lasting peace?". The student will discuss this question after completing the assignment.  Understanding the short-term and long-term effects of the War will help them later in the project. By engaging in class discussions the students can discuss the topic amongst themselves. The Students will then go into groups and work together to develop their own presentations on their group projects and then give class presentations on their combined effots.